Ayurvedic diet in Varkala - Agnihotra Yoga VacationAyurveda Diet has a very holistic medicine point of view. Ayurveda suggest special food  for your unique body type, or dosha or even season. The three ayurvedic body types, or doshas, are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Most people are a combination of two doshas, but one typically predominates. Each dosha has a unique set of characteristics.

By taking food according to your dosha  allows you to become a balanced, vital, happy person, it balances the  mental and emotional well being.

Agnihotra Yoga Vacation diet is designed according to your dosha. Organic rice  is served on banana leaf with plant based side dishes and curries. We offer coffee/tea alternatives for those who feels it difficult to quit. Instead of white sugar we use honey, jaggery and brown sugar. A wheat grass juice regimon also included for the best   detoxification and cleansing effects.

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